Contact of Department
Vertretung der Professorinnen und Professoren
Vertretung der Professorinnen und Professoren
Vertretung der Professorinnen und Professoren
Vertretung der Professorinnen und Professoren
Vertretung der Professorinnen und Professoren
Vertretung der Professorinnen und Professoren
Vertretung der Professorinnen und Professoren
Deputy Representatives for Professors
Deputy Representatives for Professors
Deputy Representatives for Professors
Deputy Representatives for Professors
Deputy Representatives for Professors
Deputy Representatives for Professors
Deputy Representatives for Professors
Deputy Representatives for Professors
Deputy Representatives for Professors
Student Representatives
Student Representatives
Deputy Student Representatives
Deputy Student Representatives
Representatives for Research Staff
Representatives for Research Staff
Deputy Representatives for Research Staff
Representatives for Technical and Administrative Staff
Representatives for Technical and Administrative Staff
Deputy Representatives for Technical and Administrative Staff
Deputy Representatives for Technical and Administrative Staff
Advisory Members
Senior Vice President
Senior Vice President
Advisory Members
Vice President for Human Resources Development
Vice President for Human Resources Development
Advisory Members
Vice President for Research and Transfer
Vice President for Research and Transfer
Advisory Members
Vice President for Education
Vice President for Education
Advisory Members
Representative of the Staff Council
Representative of the Staff Council
Advisory Members
Dean at the Faculty of Architecture and Landscape Sciences
Dean at the Faculty of Architecture and Landscape Sciences
Advisory Members
Dean at the Faculty of Economics and Management
Dean at the Faculty of Economics and Management
Advisory Members
Dean at the Faculty of Humanities
Dean at the Faculty of Humanities
Advisory Members
Dean at the Faculty of Law
Dean at the Faculty of Law
Advisory Members
Deputy Representative of the Staff Council
Deputy Representative of the Staff Council
Advisory Members
Vice President for International Affairs and Sustainability
Vice President for International Affairs and Sustainability
Advisory Members
Dean at the Faculty of Natural Sciences
Dean at the Faculty of Natural Sciences
Advisory Members
Dean at the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geodetic Science
Dean at the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geodetic Science
Advisory Members
Dean at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Dean at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Advisory Members
Vorsitzende der QUEST-Leibniz Forschungsschule
Vorsitzende der QUEST-Leibniz Forschungsschule
Advisory Members
Deputy Representative of Central Facilities
Deputy Representative of Central Facilities
Advisory Members
Head of the Leibniz School of Optics
Head of the Leibniz School of Optics
Advisory Members
Dean at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Dean at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Advisory Members
Equal Opportunities Officer
Equal Opportunities Officer
Advisory Members
Dean at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Dean at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Advisory Members
Head of the Leibniz School of Education
Head of the Leibniz School of Education
Advisory Members
Representative of Central Facilities
Representative of Central Facilities
Advisory Members
Representative for Doctoral Candidates
Representative for Doctoral Candidates
Departmental structure