Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Christian Heipke
Dean at the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geodetic Science
Dean's Office, Civil Engineering and Geodetic Science
Executive Director
Institute of Photogrammetry and GeoInformation (IPI)
Nienburger Str. 1, 30167 Hannover
Executive Board
Institute of Photogrammetry and GeoInformation (IPI)
Nienburger Str. 1, 30167 Hannover
Representatives for professors
Curriculum and Teaching Committee, Geodetic Science and Geoinformatics
Nienburger Straße 1-4, 30167 Hannover
Representatives for professors
Admissions and Examination Board for Geodetic Science and Geoinformatics
Nienburger Straße 1-4, 30167 Hannover
Representatives for professors
Admissions and Examination Board for Navigation and Environmental Robotics
Nienburger Straße 1-4, 30167 Hannover
Advisory Members
Dean at the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geodetic Science
Graduiertenkolleg 2159: Integrität und Kollaboration in dynamischen Sensornetzen
Nienburger Straße 1-4, 30167 Hannover
Institute of Photogrammetry and GeoInformation (IPI)
Nienburger Str. 1, 30167 Hannover
Departmental structure
- Dean
- Executive Director
- Executive Board
- Professors
- Representatives for professors
- Representatives for professors
- Representatives for professors
- Professors
- Advisory Members