apl. Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Armin Feldhoff
Admissions Board for MSc Chemistry
Executive Board
Representatives for Research Staff
Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry
Laboratory of Nano and Quantum Engineering
Representatives for Research Staff
Curriculum and Teaching Committee, Chemistry (BSc / MSc)
Callinstraße 3a, 30167 Hannover
Deputy Representatives for Research Staff
Faculty Council, Faculty of Natural Sciences
Callinstraße 3a, 30167 Hannover
Group Leader
Section Thermo-Iono-Electronic materials and microstructure analysis
Callinstraße 3a, 30167 Hannover
Research Staff
Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry
Callinstraße 3a, 30167 Hannover
Department Student Advisors
Course Guidance, Chemistry MSc/MEd
Callinstraße 3a, 30167 Hannover
Departmental structure
- Chairperson
- Representatives for Research Staff
- Deputy Representatives for Research Staff
- Executive Board
- Group Leader
- Research Staff
- Department Student Advisors
- Members