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Organisational Structure
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Curriculum and Teaching Committee, Faculty of Natural Sciences
Departmental structure
Leibniz University Hannover
Faculty of Natural Sciences
Committees, Faculty of Natural Sciences
Curriculum and Teaching Committee, Faculty of Natural Sciences
Curriculum and Teaching Committee, Biochemistry (BSc / MSc)
Curriculum and Teaching Committee, Biology (BSc)
Curriculum and Teaching Committee, Chemistry (BSc / MSc)
Curriculum and Teaching Committee, Molecular and Applied Plant Science (BSc) and Plant Biotechnology (BSc / MSc)
Curriculum and Teaching Committee, Geography (BSC, Diplom, Teacher Training) / Economic Geography (MA) / Landscape Sciences (MSc)
Curriculum and Teaching Committee, Geosciences (BSc) / (MSc)
Curriculum and Teaching Committee, Food Science (BSc / MEd)
Curriculum and Teaching Committee, Life Science (BSc / MSc)
Staff search
Department search
Organisational Structure
Main Leibniz University Website